Most used flutter package that every flutter developer should know.

Plugin or package are considered to be one of the most efficient way to reduced your development time and It is being used by many fortune company since building a package/plugin from scrach might take months/ years of work.

Hello guys, This is CodingWithTashi and In this shitty post I will share you some of the most used package/plugin for your flutter application.

Lets start our count down with not preference in ranking. Make sure to give a star if any of these package is helpful to you as these developers made our life lot easier.

  1. rxdart / flutter_bloc / provider

Flutter state management libray can reduce lot of heavy work which in turn reduce you application size and execution time. Some of the most used package are rxdart,flutter bloc, provider etc

2. shared_preferences

To store simpe variable such as bool, int, string in your application. You can use shared preferences instead of database.

3. url_launcher

If you want to launch email/web for external url or email, you can go with url launcher.

4. path_provider

If you ever need application file path or location of the device file path. You can use path provider for that.

5. flutter_local_notifications

Need to push notification in your application, you can use flutter local notification.

Great that is all the package that I have got to share with you, If you happend to know more then half of this package then I would say you are already descent flutter developer or may be expert if you contributed any of them in past.

That all,Thanks guys, I hope you like this shitty blog. please make sure to give clap ? and leave some engagement. let me know if I missed anything or if there is other popular package that is missing from the list.